St Austin’s Lodge of Mark Master Masons
The Masonic Hall, Warrington. Monday 18th Dec 2017
To Honour RW Bro. John Graham Forsyth (Jack) PGJW on attaining 60 Years as a Mark Master Mason
As always looking forward to another Mark Meeting, tonights however is to be a very special evening and one which I haven’t witnessed before, 60 years in Mark Masonry what an achievement. Set off early in my wife’s posh car, left the grumpy old Opel in his house, slid up the on ramp on to the M60 and yes there it was, 3.15pm  in the afternoon and it was locked solid !! Half an hour later and I was just going over the high level bridge, a journey of about 1 mile, I did a quick dive left over two lanes and came off at Monton to take the old road to Irlam and on to Warrington, the on board Italian do dah did very well until we were in touching distance of the hall, then yes it lost the plot.
Lodge Room from the East
Lodge Room from the West
JW Wicket
WM’s Chair
Arm of WM’s Chair
I spotted a lovely lady Traffic Warden who was very pleasant and gave me directions to the hall and where best to park, I didn’t even get booked for parking on double yellows whilst I was chatting to her. By now I was in desperate need of the Gents, I made it to Winmarleigh Street, dumped the car half stuck out in the road (don’t tell the wife) and rushed to the hall, ahh the door won’t open, need a pass word, I tried everything but no joy then I noticed a simple bell on the other side of the door frame and wallah it was opened by a very pleasant chap who quickly pointed me in the right direction.!!
KT Display
Anti Room
Always Has a Smile
As the blood pressure dropped I made my way back to the car and straightened it up, about an hour later I went and moved it to an official car park complete with the Forget Me Not to display in the window which was supplied from the bar, now I can relax.
Model Info
PGM & Tony Harrison
The Secret Sheets
On returning to the Hall I began as usual to start mooching about, downstairs a very pleasant bar and lounge area, a very well appointed dining room complete with a stage for use when Ladies nights and functions are taking place. There is an unusual double staircase leading up to the first floor, once you reach this area it is very easy to get lost, there are two Lodge rooms, lots of anti rooms, regalia cabinets and to top it all there is a wonderful Museum of Masonic Artefacts. I did spend about half an hour in there but really I think it would need a visit during the day when at least three or four would be needed to take in just some of the information to be found on display. It is a credit to whoever has painstakingly collected what probably amounts to thousands of items and displayed them in such an excellent fashion. 
The Museum
As more members and visitors arrived it was time for the usual Provincial Team practise under the watchful eyes of the Prov DC Dave Emmerson and the Deputy and Asst DC’s. on this occasion it didn’t seem to take too long, perhaps it was something to do with the size of the Lodge room which is very spacious and also of course the Team members are becoming well used to their duties. (well most of them that is)
Silk Apron
Hall Model
WM is Ready
The time eventually arrived for this Special occasion to commence, the Lodge opened after a short delay due to the fact that nobody was in possession of any matches to light the candles!! (a sign of the times). The WM welcomed everybody to the meeting and then dealt with a small amount of housekeeping, then it was time for the PGM RW.Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore to enter the meeting accompanied by Acting Grand and Prov Grand Officers, he was presented to the WM Bro.P.R.Gore who immediately offered him the Gavel which on this occasion Keith said he would be delighted to accept for the time being. The PGM introduced some of the Senior Prov Grand and Acting Prov officers to everyone present, before taking the unusual step of adjourning the Lodge, this was to enable several Craft Masons to enter including the Celebrants Son Mathew to witness the tribute to his Father.
Three Merry Masons
Musical Director
An Old Friend
DC’s on Parade
Grand Certificate Presentation
Prov Certificate
Another nice touch from the PGM placed John, who is known as Jack by everyone who knows him in to the WM’s chair then proceeded to the West where he delivered the address paying tribute to not only Jacks astounding history with regards to his time as a Mark Mason, Craft Mason and many other degrees but also to his personal life and historic times as they have passed during his sixty years in the Mark. As the PGM made his way back to the East the Prov Grand Secretary W.Bro.John Bicknall PGJD produced an illuminated scroll from Grand Lodge and a framed Certificate from Provincial Grand Lodge to mark Jacks achievement, these were presented and received loud sustained acclaim by all present. Now it was time for the Craft Masons to retire, and the Lodge to be under the guidance of the WM once more, a collection for the Charities was taken and it was time for the PGM to retire from the Lodge accompanied by Distinguished Grand and Prov Grand officers, on closing there was the usual short photo session before everyone made their way to get some liquid refreshment and have a good chat about what had just taken place before making their way to the allotted seats in at the Festive Board.
Tony Harrison Jack PGM
All Chains & Jack
Group Picture
Jack and WM
Table Plan
An excellent meal was enjoyed by all, served up by the very efficient and pleasant staff, following on from this were the usual Toasts and excellent Responses which on this occasion were somewhat shortened (no joke from the PGM) as all present were waiting with baited breath for the Toast to Jack which was delivered in fine style by VW Bro. E Drinkwater PGJO the PGM’s Special Rep, next came a very interesting heartfelt response from the Celebrant and I’m sure there was a tear in his eye. A presentation of flowers and a bottle of something nice was well received to which Jack said his wife would be delighted to accept the flowers and perhaps even forgive him somewhat because he hadn’t even told her it was such a special occasion. 
Three More Happy Masons
Xmas Tree
Social Board
Top Table
PGM and WM Toast
Jack and PGM Toast
A lovely presentation was given to the PGM for his wife June who was on this occasion somewhere in the building and that was it all over once again too soon, everyone saying their goodbyes and wishing the very best for Christmas and good health for the New Year. Out into the cold night air and off to all parts of the County and beyond another great meeting was over, my Italian doo dah was determined to take me to the M62 so I gave up in the end and luckily tonight it was open, here’s looking forward to the next meeting with Friends I know and those I have yet to meet.
Asst, and Dep PGM
Rod, Special Rep & Tony
Jack & Flowers
PGM & Flowers
Tylers Toast
Best Wishes for Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year.
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No.1173 Royal Ark Mariner